5.2 Using secrets
5.2.1 Github secrets in a nutshell
The automation process may require inputs such as passwords and authentication tokens which cannot be stored on a public github repository for obvious security reasons. Github actions provide a workaround for such issues through github secrets. Secrets are essentially small bits of data stored encrypted on github, which are tied to a specific repository (figure 5.2). Once set up, a secret cannot be viewed again, but it can be modified or deleted.
5.2.2 Using secrets in R workflows
The data stored in a secret can be used inside github actions by referring the
their value as ${{ secrets.SECRET_NAME }}
is the name of
the secret. The approach to use this in an R workflow is then:
- set the secret value (e.g. a password) as an environment variable
- retrieve the value of the environment variable from R via
- use the value in the R workflow, making sure that it is never output to the console, a file, or a persistent object, as these could then become public (e.g. in logs of actions)
At the time of writing, secrets are used for two purposes:
- to store the phifunc_token required to install the phifunc package; this enables github actions to use phifunc to download and process data
- to store the SMTP password used to send automated emails
Outside of R workflows, we also use another secret, a Personal Authentication Token (PAT), to enable pushing to different branches of the github repository. Figure 5.3 shows how secrets can be used in the configuration file of a github action.
Note that in the case of phifunc_token, we need to handle a non-trivial situation as the token could be available in two different ways:
- stored locally in the root folder, in the case of a person’s computer who was granted access and given the token file; this file is git-ignored and so should never end up on github
- available as an environment variable, in the case of github actions
This explains the circumvoluted code handling the installation of phifunc in scripts/remote_packages.R:
# Here we handle the phifunc install token as follows, by order of decreasing
# priority:
## 1. Grab the token from a local 'phifunc_token' file if it exists
## 2. Grab the token the environment variable 'PHIFUNC_TOKEN'
## 3. If the above is empty, set the value to NULL
phifunc_token_file <- here::here("phifunc_token")
if (file.exists(phifunc_token_file)) {
phifunc_token <- scan(phifunc_token_file, what = "character")
} else {
phifunc_token <- Sys.getenv("PHIFUNC_TOKEN")
if (phifunc_token == "") phifunc_token <- NULL
# Install phifunc
if (!is.null(phifunc_token) & !require("phifunc")) {
auth_token = phifunc_token,
subdir = "phifunc", upgrade = "never")